The herd stands at 31 cattle including 3 bulls, 18 cows and 10 calves. We are currently in our active breeding season where we expect our cows and heifers of age are exposed to the bulls. We know one of our Wagyu heifers is pregnant and due in November 2024 and one of the HICO longhorns is also pregnant and due in the fall. The planning cycle is to expose the cows and heifers between April and June for calving season from February to April of each year. We may continue to have two calving seasons by separating the fall Dams from the bulls until January and holding any open cows or heifers after July until January before exposing them again to the bulls. Obviously, having two planned calving seasons will allow us to harvest production twice a year to have supply chain for our members accordingly.
These photos are just a sample of shots taken from time to time. I can’t get enough photos of these majestic animals. If you enjoy photography and would like to visit the farm, pick a time and come see us. The cattle appear to be more than willing to accommodate the camera with a pose.