Making hay is the foundation for breeding cattle. Grass fed beef requires good grass year round.
While we are still in the planning and design phase for our pasture conservation and rotation management plan, we hope to work collaboratively with NRCS EQUIP to cross fence the pastures, develop controlled access points to the ponds, and build a windmill to drive watering troughs positioned across the property.
Our pasture is considered mixed Bahia and Bermuda, with native rye and other grasses. Our initial efforts included eliminating scrub brush, wild berry and broadleaf weeds. With help and coaching from our local Texas A&M Agri-Tech county extension agent Brian, we have made significant progress in reaching our initial goals for grass production. Pasture renovation efforts will continue.
First cut for hay in 2024 yielded 50 each 4’x5.5′ rolls, while leaving 20 acres uncut. This gives us over 25 tons of hay for winter feeding. Now typically, a very healthy pasture will yield 3.5 rolls per acre. Our goal and yield was 1 roll per acre cut. We are just entering year 2 of the pasture rehabilitation plan and most importantly, we are grazing 1 cow/calf pair for every 2.5 acres. At this pressure level, we are able to feed the cattle now and reserve grass for the winter.
Rehabilitating the pastures includes taking soil samples for the lab and then applying lime, fertilizer and herbicides to the soil accordingly. Hoping for rain in the right sequence with these applications, doing the rinse and repeat method of what and when and adjusting the input levels is as much art as science. Our goal is to have a calf born on the farm only eat grass and drink water that originates here on the farm. This entire life cycle supply chain will ensure we know the content of everything that goes into our production and delivery to our CSA members.
Once the cross fencing and water distribution lines are developed, we will transition to a 21-day pasture rotation system allowing for better grass nutrition, recovery and yield. Our intent is to take two cuttings each year, graze the fall grass as standing hay and over seed the west pasture with winter rye for turnout during calving season in the Spring.

Lab results for water and soil