Black Forest Reserve Cattle Company, AWA Member I.D. NO. 5891, Henry A. Thomas, Breeder/Farmer
Our Wagyu beef program began May 31, 2024 with the purchase of 1 bull, 1 cow/calf pair, and 1 bred heifer. We greatly w-appreciate Simon and Yancey of the renowned V&H Ranch near Jacksboro, Texas in making it possible to add this breed to the farm and ranch operations.

Our program has two parts focus:
Part A:
1) breeding 100% Wagyu beef cattle;
2) selling custom items to our members (whole, side and quarter interest in live animals); and,
2) beef processing at USDA inspected facilities to enable us to sell and distribute retail cuts to our members.
Part B:
1) cross breeding our 100% Wagyu bull with our 100% Registered Texas Longhorn cows to produce 50%/50% Wagyu/Longhorn calves for processing at USDA inspected facilities to enable us to sell custom items and distribute retail cuts to our members.